The names, illustrations, and logos by which Pt-Global and related products can be recognized are copyrighted by the Pt-Global entity. Nothing in these terms and conditions should be considered as implicitly giving permission, by exclusion or otherwise, by any permit or any other right to use any trade mark, patent, draft law, or copyright by the Pt-Global entity.
The Pt-Global entity owns the copyright of texts, illustrations, and any other elements used in Pt-Global© applications, or are being used with permission of the copyright holder. Duplicating the content of the Pt-Global© applications, partly or fully, at any electronically supported medium is strictly prohibited, unless explicitly allowed by the Pt-Global entity.
You are not allowed to copy, reissue, download, publish, broadcast, distribute, make public, or use in any other way the Pt-Global applications or related materials on the Pt-Global website, unless for personal, non-commercial use. You also agree to not edit or change the content of the Pt-Global© applications, and not to make a derivative, unless for personal, non-commercial use. For all other use of the content of the Pt-Global© applications, written permission by the Pt-Global entity prior to use is required. In addition, any use of data collected for your practices or clinical experience utilizing the Pt-Global© applications and related materials can only be used with permission by the Pt-Global entity, which will generally be given without restriction.
Written duplication of the texts of the Pt-Global© applications for educational purposes is allowed, under the following conditions:
– Free distribution
– Respect for integrity of the duplicated documents
– Clear and readable attribution to the source, as following: “The original source of this document is the Pt-Global website:; and/or related subdomains. All resulting rights are reserved and strictly limited”. In all cases, the internet address should be mentioned in the reference.
For any other uses, permission by the Pt-Global entity prior to use is explicitly required.
You agree on using the Pt-Global© applications for legally allowed purposes only, and on not causing damage to, or violating the rights of Pt-Global© or its users. Prohibited acts are, but not limited to: attacking or causing distress to others; sending illegal, inappropriate, obscene or insulting topics; disrupting the normal dialogue on the Pt-Global© applications; posting, or uploading of documents containing viruses that can damage Pt-Global© applications, or to its users.