PG-SGA/Pt-Global Platform
Setting the standard of nutritional assessment
The Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA©) sets the standard of nutritional assessment. The PG-SGA© is the preeminent interdisciplinary patient assessment (weight, intake, symptoms, functional status, disease state, metabolic stress and nutritional physical examination) in oncology and other chronic catabolic conditions. For more than 20 years, the PG-SGA© is used internationally and has entered the digital world in 2014.
The PG-SGA© enables the patient and professional to quickly and easily, but systematically assess and monitor (risk for) malnutrition and to evaluate effects of interventions. Moreover, the PG-SGA score triages for proactive (nutritional) intervention.

Our Mission
Setting the standard for optimal diagnosis and treatment
The PG-SGA/Pt-Global Platform, a volunteering network, aims to set the standard for and to facilitate optimal diagnosis and proactive treatment of malnutrition, to improve clinical outcome and patient quality of life, by creating and sharing knowledge and materials on patient global assessment.
The Pt-Global app©
The PG-SGA© has entered the digital world
The Pt-Global app© currently targets professional use, with the intent that the patient can complete the patient part independently in the clinical or research setting.
► Easy and systematic screening
► Consistent scoring and use of validated translations
► New features in the future
Available on iOS, Android & Windows Phone.
It is also possible to use the Pt-Global app© in your webbrowser.
Latest news
Read about the latest developments
Want to read more news about the PG-SGA© and Pt-Global app©? Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!
Ongoing pilot study in patients undergoing treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) at Mayo Clinic presented at MASCC Congress
In June 2017, Joy Heimgartner, MS, RDN, CSO, LD, presented a poster of preliminary results from the ongoing pilot study examining the nutrition evolution of patients undergoing treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) at the annual meeting of the Multinational Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) in Washington, D.C. This study is supported through a 2017 […]
Launch of the Thai version of the PG-SGA
The Thai version of the PG-SGA is now available as download on the Pt-Global website. The Thai version of the PG-SGA is the third language version that has been translated and culturally adapted from the original English PG-SGA. The Thai PG-SGA has been developed in close collaboration with Nicharach Nitichai, Jongjit Angkatavanich, and Nicha Somlaw (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok). […]
Review paper "Assessing nutritional status in cancer: the role of the PG-SGA"
The review paper “Assessing nutritional status in cancer: role of the PG-SGA“, published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, provides an overview of the rationale behind and data supporting the PG-SGA, and of recent developments in the utilization of the PG-SGA and the PG-SGA Short Form. A PG-SGA must-read!