

Training rondom het uitvoeren van de PG-SGA© is belangrijk, om vertrouwd te raken met alle onderdelen van de PG-SGA©. Op deze website vindt u achtergrondinformatie over de PG-SGA©, ter toelichting op de rationale, werkwijze en scoresysteem van de PG-SGA© en PG-SGA Short Form©.

Het PG-SGA/Pt-Global Platform (mede-)organiseert regelmatig PG-SGA scholingen wereldwijd. Hieronder vindt u recensies en een overzicht van de reeds gehouden en geplande scholingen.

Wilt u ook een PG-SGA scholing organiseren binnen uw instelling/organisatie? Neem dan contact met ons op via


“A fantastic working day on this excellent tool! It was a pleasure to meet Faith Ottery and Harriët Jager-Wittenaar. Thank you all for coming, organized and contributed to this session about the PG-SGA. I am sure that it was a very important step increasing the knowlegde about the PG-SGA and for future developments!”
– Teresa Amaral, Associate Professor, University of Porto

“I was present at the PG-SGA training course in December in 2015 in Porto, Portugal. It was a very interesting and productive course: I was able to learn all about the PG-SGA, and the nutritional screening and assessment of patients. The course was very interactive, everyone had the opportunity to participate and ask questions, and there was even a practice session with a real patient! I was also present at the PG-SGA training course in May 2016, also in Porto. In addition to the previous programme, in this course there was also a panel discussion about the application of the PG-SGA across various settings: nursing homes, primary care and hospitals, with experiences in the first person by our colleagues. I would recommend this course to everyone interested in learning about a global nutritional assessment of patients and in being one step ahead in its practice.”
– Sandra Cristina Gomes Silva, Nutritionist, CEO O Vegetariano

“I had the great opportunity to attend the PG-SGA training course in Porto twice. The first training course in December 2015 was the first real contact with this excellent screening and nutritional assessment tool. Finally and thanks to João Pedro Pinho and Sandra Silva we now have this tool validated for the Portuguese language.
Till the next training course in May 2016 I studied the tool and it was even more special because I had the opportunity to question all my doubts to the two marvelous persons Faith Ottery and Harriët Jager-Wittenaar.
I work in an oncology setting as a dietitian and I am using the Portuguese version of the PG-SGA since May 2016. I use it especially for nutritional assessment and monitoring my patients.
It was a pleasure to meet Faith Ottery and Harriët Jager-Wittenaar and especially so grateful for the science they shared with all of us.
PG-SGA, the more I use it, the more I see how useful it is. So, do it!”
– Sónia Cabral, Nutritionist, Instituto Português de Oncologia, Porto

PG-SGA scholingen

► 16 November 2016, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Belo HorizonteOp woensdag 16 november 2016 organiseren het Braziliaanse Nationale Kanker Instituut (INCA) en de Sociedade Brasileira de Nutrição Oncologica een PG-SGA scholing, voorafgaand aan het V Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrição Oncológica.

Tijd: 9.00 – 17.00
Locatie: Centro de Convenções do Ouro Minas Palace Hotel, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Voor meer informatie en aanmelding, zie het programma.

► 14 May 2016, Porto, Portugal

City of Porto

Op zaterdag 14 mei 2016 organiseren de Portuguese Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (APNEP) en de afdeling Diëtetiek van het Centro Hospitalar do Médio Ave, E.P.E de tweede PG-SGA scholing in Porto, Portugal.

Tijd: 9.30 – 16.00
Locatie: Hospital Santo Antonio, Auditório Prof. Doutor Alexandre Moreira, Porto, Portugal

Voor meer informatie en aanmelding, zie het programma.

► Seminars Hanzehogeschool Groningen

Seminar 2016

Het seminar van 13 mei 2016 op de Hanzehogeschool Groningen is verplaatst naar woensdag 11 mei, 12.45-17.30 uur.
Het verkorte programma en informatie over aanmelding vindt u hier.

U kunt zich t/m 22 april aanmelden.

► 14 mei 2016, Porto, Portugal

City of Porto

Op 14 mei 2016, organiseert APNEP (Portuguese Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) en de afdeling Voeding en Diëtetiek van het zoekenhuis Centro Hospitalar do Médio Ave, E.P.E de tweede Portugese PG-SGA cursus in Porto, Portugal.

Voor meer informatie zie het programma.