
2. In which populations can the Pt-Global app/web tool© be used?

2. In which populations can the Pt-Global app/web tool© be used?

The Pt-Global app/web tool© can be used in any population, including older people, and in any health care setting, e.g. inpatient, outpatient, homecare, and hospice. The rationale behind the PG-SGA©, scoring all factors that might increase the risk for malnutrition or characterize malnutrition (weight change, food intake, symptoms, activities and functioning, disease, metabolic stress and altered body composition) applies to any population that may develop (risk for) malnutrition, including older people.

The use of the same tool in all settings provides a consistent means of identifying patients with malnutrition and measuring outcomes of nutrition intervention as patients move through the spectrum of health care delivery systems. In addition, results between the different populations can be compared with each other.

In the original study of the scoring in 1996, patient population was not limited to oncology patients, although they were the predominant group (lung, prostate, colon, NHL, rectal, esophageal, melanoma, cervical), but included patients with End stage Renal Disease and Diabetes Mellitus as well.

Subsequently, results have been published or reported using the PG-SGA© in the following patient populations: Cancer (lung, GI – general or gastric, esophageal, gastroesophageal, rectal colorectal), head and neck, gynecological, urological, acute leukemia, multiple myeloma, hematologic stem cell transplantation); Stroke; HIV; Parkinson’s Disease; Geriatrics; Chronic Kidney Disease; Hemodialysis; Radiotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy; General study; others.
For more information on the use of the PG-SGA© please see the full list of publications here.